Burglar alarms systems


Burglar Alarms Systems

As an SSAIB approved installer of intruder alarm systems with over 20 years experience in the design and maintenance of security alarm systems we can provide you with the peace of mind to know that your business or home or valuables are protected by a company whose objectives has always been to protect our clients from having a loss and provide them with the necessary peace of mind.

There are essentially two parts to a burglar alarm system, the first is the equipment used to detect the presence of an intruder, traditional this has consisted of movement detectors, door contacts, vibration sensors and panic buttons which are wired back to an alarm panel which when activated rings the sounder on the front elevation of the building many companies within the security industry lose sight of installing a security system, often they are preoccupied with selling a particularly lucrative product, are objectives are to provide the right equipment through are unrivalled experience and product knowledge.

The second part of a burglar alarm system is the signalling: essentially who do we notify and how. This starts with the traditional outside sounder with strobe which even though may not attract help, may scare away or deter the opportunist thief. More often than not even the most basic of burglar alarm systems will now be fitted with some form of text or speech dialler which can contact you with the fact that the system has been triggered. This system can often be controlled by the client who can send various alarm signals to different numbers to arrange for key holders to attend site  they cannot however be used to request the attendance of the police. Digital security & surveillance ltd can connect your home or business to an accredited alarm receiving centre (ARC) who after receiving a Verified alarm will request your local police force to attend site, Police Response, as this is known as and is often a requirement of insurers when they are looking at larger domestic properties and nearly all commercial properties this is generally achieved in the form of communication with a secondary means of communication usually done via cellular radio network(GSM or GPRS).

The two leading alarm products in this field are REDCARE GSM and DUALCOM GPRS, both of which are available and are specified were appropriate.

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